Sea Kayaking – Expeditions
Favourite local overnight expeditions include:
• Bendoran to Uisken or reverse – can include going around Iona
• Bendoran to Ulva and return or round Gometra and pick up at Ulva ferry
These are some of the places you could go to, however please note that viability is weather dependent and may need to be re-assessed on the day.
Bendoran is located in a very sheltered bay – perfect for introducing the sea kayaking experience, we can have a great trip up the sea loch in calm water and on building confidence head out into the more open waters of Loch na Lathaich to explore islands and even venture out to the light house on still days.
The Ardtun peninsular sitting opposite the majestic Burg is seldom visited but truly spectacular. Basalt cliffs, akin to Staffa, eery caves and swooping gannets make you feel you have returned to ancient times.
North from Bendoran, you paddle up the sheltered stone beaches that mark the edge of Loch na Lathaich and then out into the Atlantic. We could drop in to the historic Salmon Fishing Station at Camas Tuath. Then head out to Market bay – golden sands and turquoise water, perfect for a bbq or wild camp.